My Universe

Let the stOry begins…

Like a predator that mesmerizes you with its grace and glory, he patiently waited for me to fall into his trap. In a precise, intimidating way no one has ever experienced, he paved the path for me to reach him as I wished it my whole life. Even his name was glorious, Jake the second. Like he was some royalty. Well, Royalty doesn’t mean anything anymore.

Keep reading, Imagine, EnjOy!

“The Dark Ivy” is the name of my first story. It’s a fiction that’s been bOrn out of my imaginatiOn.

You are mOst welcome to jOin me on this adventurous journey.

Imagine. Enjoy.

Ida The tornado

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Creativity is not a talent; it’s a way of operating.

John Cleese

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About Me

My name is Ida. I’m a digital marketing manager who loves to write fiction and take pictures. Here I would love to share the story of “The Dark Ivy” with you. I also have a gallery here with all the photos I took over the years.

Imagine, EnjOy!

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