
I’m a Photophile!

Some things can not be explained, and some feelings can not be expressed, but you can have it all in a single photo. I see magic all around me, and I try to show it to you through lenses. Welcome to the magic world I see.
If yOu have nOt found magic yet, that’s because you weren’t looking for it.

Oranges are orange

What is the scent of Autumn?
Some people say it’s the smell of rain, some say it’s the smell of oranges, and some say scent is not just about one sense; it’s about a combination of feelings. Colors, smells, tastes, and sounds.
Can it be?

Photos by Ida the Tornado

Doors and Windows

What is your first instinct when there is a door or a window in front of you? Do you pass by it? Do you open it? Do you knock? Are you curious enough to see what is on the other side?
What if you could open a door or a window to whenever where ever you like. Where or when would it be?

Photos by Ida the Tornado

The Aura

The Scent of being madly in love. The aroma of a soft and warm kiss on your forehead. The smell of you

Photo by Ida the Tornado

Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’

Just like me, they love the sun. That morning beam of sunshine on their red velvet blossom when it’s June. It gives them hope that better days are on their way.

Dahlias were discovered in Mexico in the 1700s. They were named after the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl.

Photo by Ida the Tornado

Scent of Apples

Sometimes it is all about apples, or it’s the other way around. Those beautiful Gold and red apples shine on the apple tree. The scent of those apples when you pass by the tree. 

A chilly November afternoon with a hot apple cake and a cup of tea in hand.

Photos by Ida the Tornado

Harmony of the universe

The Scent of being

There is peace in the middle of chaos. There is a harmony like the whole universe has been planned to function this way; To have peace and order even in the middle of a mess.
Some places and situations remind us to see the big picture; To have a God view. It makes us realize how tiny our problems are. How brief but still effective our presence is in this world.

Photo by Ida the Tornado

Feel free to send me an email if you are interested in the original size of the photos and full albums.