“The Dark Ivy”-CH1,P3


I heard Jake’s voice. “You need to calm down. Breathe in and breathe out. You are safe now, so relax.“ He said, and he offered me a bottle of water. As I was taking it from him, I touched his fingers. The moment his skin felt mine, I expected a flow of memories to come to me, so I pulled my hand back, but I didn’t feel anything; maybe I needed more time to heal. Anyway, I didn’t want him to know about my power yet. I put myself together and continued.

“There is this gap in my memories I can’t fill. There was a man before you came. He took the baby.” I was confused. “No, I gave the baby to someone else,” I whispered.
“There was another person besides the man?” he said.
“That is the part I can’t remember clearly,” I said.
Did you willingly give him the baby?” He was confused.
“I don’t remember how. It is like that part is bouncing in my mind right now. But at that moment, it felt like the right thing to do” I looked up at Jake “why would I do that?” I was scared. Why would I give the baby to a stranger? Not remembering what exactly happened that night in the woods was driving me crazy.

“Can you describe the man?” Jake said, looking at me like he would memorize every little detail I was about to say.
“He was big, muscly, he had a long beard, and his hair was in a man bun, I think,” I said.
“You remember all of those details, but you can’t remember critical moments? Like giving away your baby?” he said and tightened his eyes.
“Before you came, the man came to the cabin and brought us out under the tree.”
“My baby and I”
He looked confused. “Continue, please.”
I looked out of the window. How calm and sunny the weather was. I could not remember that part clearly, but I looked at him. “He looked at me like he knew me, like he cared about me. But I didn’t know him. He said something, “don’t worry, I’m here.” Then there were gun firing sounds everywhere, and then you came.” I said.

“Are you in a hurry?” he said.
“What?” I said, knowing I wanted to get out of there sooner, but I tried to look confused.
“Do you have anywhere better to be?” he said. Like a game he was in charge of, he didn’t want to miss anything. I kept looking at him. “Shall we continue?” he said, very calm.
“Yes,” I said, taking a deep breath.
“you were with the baby when he came into the cabin, right?” he said, looking at me like I’m a criminal or something.

“yes, I was holding the baby when he brought me out.” I said, “What is this? I thought you were going to help me remember. I didn’t know this was some interrogation!” I said, feeling insecure to continue even talking to him.

“This is not,” he said very kindly and continued. “I just want you to remember what happened that night exactly; I’m here to help, not to make you feel insecure,” he said, looking right into my eyes. Like he could see right through me Like he could read my mind.

I put my hands on my eyes and bent on the chair. “He is not the one I gave my baby to because I can remember he left while the baby was in my arms” I was angry. “So what did I do with the baby?! why can’t I remember?!” I raised my voice. He was looking at me, waiting for me to calm down.

I went back in the chair and relaxed.

Related Tags: Story, Storytelling, Fiction, Sci-fi, Science fiction, Writer,

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