“The Dark Ivy”-CH1,P2

The dark Ivy, Chapter-1, part-2

The night sky was full of stars that night. No clouds, No mist. I could imagine myself as the moon. I was sitting there in the infinite sky, and the stars were worshiping me, surrounding me, adoring me. I reached out to take the moon, and I saw a meteorite flying over my head.

That was the moment I heard it. It was a bullet. Everywhere. I remembered. I was holding on to something. It was still warm, but I had to hide it. So I began digging and buried it. I looked at my bloody shaking hands. 

Until today, I had been in too many situations to get killed. But I have never been this helpless. I sat down under the tree and looked down at my hands. They were bloody, so was my dress. I lost so much blood. At least a gunshot would kill me less painfully. It was probably much better than what they had been doing to me in that village for two months.

I saw a purple light, and there came two men right toward me – both in black jumpsuits and strange green vests. I didn’t have enough energy to run or fight, so I just sat down there.

“Ivy?” one of them called my name, sat in front of me, looking at my bloody hands and dress. I could see the fear in his green eyes. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?”

“No.” I said with a very stiff voice, “Yes, but I’m fine.” I said and tried to be convincing.

“Come on. We need to move,” he said.

He took my arm and helped me to stand up. I was in pain, but I didn’t want them to think I was weak, so I took a deep breath and looked at him. It was Steve. Before I went to the village, the general showed me a picture of him and told me I could trust him.

“What is your name?” I could barely even hear my voice. He looked at me. “I’m Steve, and this is Jake,” he said and pointed at the other man.

I turned my head to see who else was there. “Where is he?” I said.

“It’s just Jake and me,” he said.

“They took my baby,” I said. 

“Your baby?” He said with confusion, and he looked at my bloody dress and hands, then at the other man, Jake.

“Did you just give birth?” Jake said with shock.

“I,” and everything went black. 

Related Tags: Story, Storytelling, Fiction, Sci-fi, Science fiction, Writer,

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